
Showing posts from June, 2021

Asthma: Types, causes, and diagnosis - Medical News Today

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways. It causes wheezing and can make it hard to breathe. Some triggers include exposure to an allergen or irritant, viruses, exercise, emotional stress, and other factors. Asthma causes the inside walls of the airways, or the bronchial tubes, to become swollen and inflamed. During an asthma attack, the airways will swell, the muscles around them will tighten, and it becomes difficult for air to move in and out of the lungs. Around 7.9% of people in the United States had asthma in 2017. There are many types of asthma, and several factors can cause asthma or trigger an acute attack. This article looks at the types, causes, and triggers of asthma, as well as how a doctor diagnoses it. Learn more about managing asthma here. Asthma is a long-term condition affecting the airways. It involves inflammation and narrowing inside the lungs, which restricts air supply. A person with asthma may experience: tightness in

Coronavirus Temperature Range: How Fever Shows Up With COVID-19 - Healthline

COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, can start anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks after exposure to the virus. Fever is one of the ways your body tries to fight off infection. For that reason, it's a common symptom of COVID-19, which typically gets reported by those who have it. However, not everyone who gets COVID-19 will develop a fever. According to the CDC, you have a fever if your temperature is 100.4°F (38°C) or greater, no matter what the cause. Read on to find out about fever as a symptom of COVID-19 and other symptoms that require medical care. In addition to being new, COVID-19 has often been unpredictable. As common a symptom as fever is, there is no definitive temperature range for this condition. Some people who test positive never run a fever. Others spike very high fevers. A large review of multiple studies across nine countries observed 24,420 adults with COVID-19, and 78 percent ran a fever at some point during their illness. A later review of stu

Ohio legislature passes ban on over-the-counter cough syrup sales to children -

COLUMBUS, Ohio—Legislation to ban sales of over-the-counter cough medicine to children in Ohio is on its way to Gov. Mike DeWine after passing a final legislative vote Wednesday. House Bill 9, which passed the Ohio Senate unanimously, would require people under age 18 to get a doctor's prescription to purchase DayQuil, Robitussin, and other cough suppressants that contain dextromethorphan. Such medicines are sometimes taken in large doses (in some cases, mixed with alcohol or energy drinks) by children to get high – a practice that some call "robotripping." Overdosing on dextromethorphan can cause nausea, blurred vision, confusion and other symptoms. Cough syrup also contains other drugs, such as acetaminophen, that can cause other major medical issues if taken in large quantities. A 2020 survey conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the University of Michigan found that 3.7% of teens reported using cough medicine containing dextromethorphan

The effect of chronic DOAC treatment on clinical outcomes of hospitalized patients with COVID‐19 - Wiley

What's known Due to the frequent occurrence of arterial and venous thrombosis, anticoagulant agents have been included in the treatment of COVID-19 infection. The effect of chronic DOAC treatment on the prognosis is still unknown. What's new Chronic DOAC treatment had no protective effect on mortality and intensive care unit need. Patients on DOAC therapy are more vulnerable and have more comorbid diseases, so they should be hospitalized and followed up more closely after the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection. 1 INTRODUCTİON Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) remains the most important problem affecting public health around the world. While the most patients present with mild symptoms or asymptomatic, some may have a fatal course due to severe pneumonia, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. 1 The different effect of COVID-19 on individuals makes it difficult to understand the pathophysiology and find an

Fever in toddlers: When to seek help and treatment - Medical News Today

A fever can occur in toddlers for a variety of reasons. While not all fevers are serious, certain conditions that cause high temperatures in toddlers need urgent medical attention. A fever usually means that a child's body is fighting off an infection. However, there are symptoms a person should look for when a toddler has a fever. Read on to learn when a toddler with a fever needs urgent medical attention, as well as treatments and potential causes. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a child's normal body temperature should be between 97ºF (36ºC) and 100.4ºF (38ºC). Children and babies can have higher temperatures than adults, as they have a larger surface area compared to their body weight. Toddlers also sweat less and have a faster metabolism, which can cause them to have a higher body temperature. According to a 2019 article, a fever alone is rarely harmful and does not typically exceed 105.8ºF (41ºC). While fevers higher than this temp

Wheezing when lying down: Causes, treatments, and more - Medical News Today

Wheezing is a sensation that occurs when a person breathes through obstructed airways. Some people find that their wheezing gets worse when lying down. This can occur because lying down may adversely affect the ability of the chest to rise and fall, making it difficult to breathe. Lying down may also cause problems with mucus drainage from the nose, which could trigger a cough. Wheezing is a common symptom of asthma, allergies, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and obstructive sleep apnea. In this article, we will take a closer look at the potential causes of wheezing when lying down and their treatments. We will also provide tips on how to sleep while experiencing this symptom. Asthma is a chronic condition that affects over 300 million people worldwide. It is characterized by coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath. It is common for asthma symptoms to affect people at night. This is known as nocturnal asthma. The symptoms of nocturnal asthma can includ

I used to think hay fever didn’t really exist. I know much better now - The Guardian

M y 13-year-old son hates autumn, winter and early spring – anything that isn't shorts weather – and he keeps up a constant drumbeat of how insufficient the British climate is to his sunshine needs and all the places he'll be more likely to live when he's older, such as California. Then, for about two hours at the start of June, he's happy. And then he gets hay fever. It was years before I really believed in it. I thought it was like when people say they have an allergy when really they are on a diet. I definitely remember, when I was a kid, that it was just something you said for an extra 15 minutes on your exam times. More years passed before it entered my parental toolkit, and I could reliably put my hands on a packet of antihistamines every day. My learning curve veered sharply upwards the year I had to take him to A&E because he couldn't breathe, and that was hay fever – particularly since, on the same day, my daughter had broken her foot and I thoug

CA19-9 Level to Serum γ-Glutamyltransferase as a Potential Progn | CMAR - Dove Medical Press

Introduction Pancreatic carcinoma represents one of the commonest cancers of the digestive system. On account of its high malignancy and great tendency toward local vascular invasion and distant metastasis, its overall resection rate is less than 20% and its 5-year survival rate is less than 10%. 1 Its morbidity rate is ranked fourteenth while its mortality rate is ranked sixth worldwide, according to the global cancer statistics in 2018. 2 Currently, radical surgical resection remains the best treatment option for pancreatic carcinoma, 3 thus emphasizing the importance of predicting the long-term prognosis of patients with pancreatic carcinoma before surgery so as to make optimal treatment decisions. Abnormally elevated carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) levels are seen in patients with malignant cancers, including pancreatic carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder carcinoma. It has been proven by extensive research that CA19-9 has a close correlation with diagnosis, pr