
Showing posts from December, 2022

High temperature (fever) in adults - NHS Website

What is a high temperature? Normal body temperature is different for everyone and changes during the day. A high temperature is usually considered to be 38C or above. This is sometimes called a fever. Check if you have a high temperature You may have a high temperature if: your chest or back feel hotter than usual you have other symptoms, such as shivering (chills), sweating or warm, red skin (this may be harder to see on black or brown skin) a thermometer says your temperature is 38C or above Important If you feel hot or shivery, you may have a high temperature even if a thermometer says your temperature is below 38C.

Flu cases surpassing Greene County's previous high with months to ... - News-Leader

Just in time for Christmas, the number of influenza cases in Greene County decreased — going from 1,259 on Dec. 17 to 940 on Dec. 24. But since October, Greene County has reported nearly 5,400 flu cases. It took the whole 2017-2018 season to reach 4,681 cases, the highest number the area had seen before this season. However, historic data shows that influenza cases increase after the holidays. Does this mean there will be even more cases of flu after New Year's? Probably, according to Springfield-Greene County Health Department Chief Medical Officer Dr. Nancy Yoon. "We're already surpassing (2017-2018's total), and with flu season going until May, we're already looking at a pretty severe flu season this year," Yoon said. More: Experimental flu shot aims to target 20 influenza viruses in a single vaccine According to Cary Lynn Nabors, director of public relations for CoxHealth, influenza A has been the hospital's top diagnosis at the moment, with RSV being

Vicki Lyons, MD, is being recognized by Continental Who's Who - The Herald Journal

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Vicki Lyons, MD, is being recognized by Continental Who's Who    The Herald Journal

4 Top Biotech Stocks Worth Adding to Your Portfolio in 2023 - Nasdaq

[unable to retrieve full-text content] 4 Top Biotech Stocks Worth Adding to Your Portfolio in 2023    Nasdaq

Researchers make important progress toward a possible universal flu vaccine - CNN

CNN  —  Influenza is continuing its early and severe rampage through the United States, but there's some hopeful news for flu seasons of the future. In a significant step, researchers recently said they've been able to immunize animals against all 20 known influenza A and B virus strains, marking an important step toward the goal of a single vaccine against all types of the flu. Our current flu vaccines prime the body to protect against four strains: two influenza A strains and two B strains. The composition of these vaccines is changed each year in anticipation of which strains will make most people sick during the coming season. Dr. Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó of the University of Pennsylvania Courtesy Penn Medicine

Mom died of flu a day after getting sick in '1 in a million case' - Insider

Last Sunday was a normal, active day for Price McMahon. By Tuesday night, she'd died from the flu.  McMahon was a 36-year-old executive near Boston with a husband and two young kids.  Flu affects millions each year, but younger and older people are most likely to die from it.  Loading Something is loading. Thanks for signing up!

How Long Before a Pulmonary Embolism Turns Fatal - Verywell Health

A pulmonary embolism (PE) results from a blood clot lodged in the lungs. This clot usually originates from breaking off another clot elsewhere in the body, typically the legs. With rapid treatment, most people affected by pulmonary embolism can recover. However, a pulmonary embolism is considered a life-threatening emergency because the clot blocks blood flow into the lungs, causing pressure on the heart's right ventricle (chamber), eventually leading to excessive heart strain and death. This article reviews blood clot fatality, the formation and travel time of clots to the lungs, symptoms and risk factors of pulmonary embolism, and when to seek medical care. Pornpak Khunatorn / Getty Images Are Blood Clots Fatal? Studies estimate the incidence of pulmonary embolism in the United States at 1 per 1,000 people per year, equating to 200,000 to 300,000 hospital admissions per year. It is estimated that as many as 30,000 to 50,000 Americans di

Young Healthy Patient With Severe COVID-19 and Fulminant ... - Cureus

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an acute respiratory illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 that emerged in late 2019 and caused a pandemic [1-3]. In Japan, COVID-19 has occurred in six major waves of transmission that have resulted in 7.1 million infections and more than 28,000 deaths. The fourth wave of COVID-19 in Japan was characterized by a younger patient population and more critically ill cases due to the alpha variant, which had increased transmissibility [4]. In addition, many patients in the fourth wave were forced to receive home recuperation due to the lack of availability of critical care beds. In the fourth wave, we experienced a case of COVID-19 infection wherein the patient's general condition deteriorated during home recuperation due to a community-acquired Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, which we have reported herein. A 39-year-old man (height 166 cm; weight 52 kg) without significant medical history except for smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 20 years presente

Exercise Can Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients With ... - Pulmonology Advisor

Patients with bronchiectasis who exercise have reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, with the lowest risk in those who exercise regularly, according to study findings published in Respiratory Research . Investigators in Korea sought to assess whether changes in exercise habits are related to reduced cardiovascular disease risk and to determine optimal exercise amounts. The primary endpoint was the incidence of stroke or myocardial infarction (MI). The secondary endpoint was evaluation of the relationship between exercise and risk of cardiovascular diseases. The researchers conducted a review and analysis of the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) database of Korea that included 165,842 patients at least 20 years of age (mean age, 59.8 years). Included patients had initial diagnosis of bronchiectasis from January 2010 through December 2016, with 2 health examinations and follow-up until December 2020. Change in weekly habits of moderate- or vigo

Saddle pulmonary embolism: Causes, treatment, and more - Medical News Today

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the medical term for when a blood clot becomes stuck inside a blood vessel in the lung. Saddle PE is where a large blood clot sits atop or "saddles" the main pulmonary artery at the point where the artery divides and branches into the left and right lungs. Saddle PE is a severe and life threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. Without treatment, the condition can result in sudden death. This article describes what saddle PE is, including its causes, risk factors, and possible signs and symptoms. We also discuss how to treat and prevent saddle PE and offer advice on seeking help. Saddle pulmonary PE is a type of sudden or acute PE. It is a rare occurrence, accounting for 2.6–5.4% of all acute PE cases. The condition occurs when a large blood clot becomes lodged at the intersection where the main pulmonary artery divides and branches off into the left and right lungs. The main pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from t

Almost 50 Deaths Reported As “Blizzard Of The Century” Batters ... - IFLScience

What officials have dubbed the "blizzard of the century" – a massive winter storm, bringing heavy snow and plummeting temperatures – has ravaged the US in recent days. The freezing conditions caused disruption across a number of states, but the area around Buffalo in western New York was hit particularly hard: at least 28 people are thought to have died in this region alone, and that toll rises to at least 49 when taking the country as a whole. Weather warnings were issued in almost every US state in the run-up to Christmas, with dangerous conditions forecast even for Florida and areas near the border with Mexico. The lowest temperatures were recorded in the state of Montana, but it was neighboring Canada that took the worst of the storm, particularly the northeastern provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Residents in the state of Texas were particularly concerned when temperatures were predicted to drop into single figures, after the catastrophic power outages that accompanied a

Normal Body Temperature Ranges vs. Fever Readings - Verywell Health

On average, the human body temperature is 98.6 degrees F. However, normal adult body temperatures range from 97 to 99. Your temperature can fluctuate and varies based on your age and the method used to measure your temperature. A fever is when your body temperature is higher than normal. Most healthcare providers consider a fever to be at 100.4 or higher. This article reviews normal human body temperature and fever based on age, how it varies with measurement methods, symptoms and at-home fever treatment, and when to call a healthcare provider. Geber86 / Getty Images Is 98.6 Degrees a Normal Temperature? The average human body temperature is 98.6. However, this is just an average and varies among people. Several factors can affect body temperature, including age, sex, and where on your body you take it.  Your baseline daily temperature is a good reference point, and everyone's unique. For example, your daily average temperature