
Showing posts from April, 2023

2022 Southern Medical Research Conference

blockage of heart arteries symptoms :: Article Creator From Chest Pain To Vision Problems: Expert Lists Symptoms Of Blocked Arteries Do you have chest pain, leg pain, high blood pressure, and vision problems? If yes, It's time to be serious as it may be an indication of blocked arteries.  This condition occurs when there is a build-up of calcium, fat, cholesterol, and other substances around your arteries. Arteries are responsible for carrying blood and oxygen to various parts of your body. However, when arteries become blocked, it can lead to serious health consequences, such as stroke and heart attack.  We spoke to our expert Dr Zakia Khan, Senior Consultant-Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Hospital, Kalyan, who listed seven warning signs that indicate blocked arteries. Chest Pain One of the most common symptoms of blocked arteries is chest pain. You may experience tightness or pressure in your chest that spreads to the arms, j

MLB Weekly Digest September 3rd Edition - NGSC Sports

esc deep vein thrombosis guidelines :: Article Creator Research: Scientists May Study Thrombosis Without Use Of Animal Models A novel apparatus that resembles a human vein might be useful for blood clot research and could replace the use of animals in some tests. Researchers at the University of Birmingham have created the vein-on-a-chip model, which may be applied in studies to better comprehend the mechanics underlying blood clot development. The gadget is a tiny canal with 'valves' that ensure proper blood flow, as detailed in recent research published in Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. The innovative device was developed by Drs. Daniele Vigolo and Alessio Alexiadis from the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham in collaboration with Dr. Alexander Brill from the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences. Since the valves may open and close, simulating the process seen in a genuine vein, the gadget is more sophist

Faculty by Research Keyword < Yale School of Medicine

brain artery blockage symptoms :: Article Creator Blockage In Arteries: Warning Signs To Know Blocked arteries is a condition in which plaque builds up in the arteries and restricts blood flow. Plaque is made up of cholesterol, calcium, and other substances that accumulate in the artery wall. This buildup can lead to a variety of medical issues, including stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. In some cases, it can even be fatal.  Causes Of Blocked Arteries High cholesterol levels are one of the most common causes of blocked arteries. When fatty deposits, such as cholesterol, build up in the arteries, they can narrow the arteries and reduce blood flow. High blood pressure is another common cause of blocked arteries. The increased pressure can damage the artery walls and cause them to narrow and block the flow of blood. Smoking is another major risk factor for blocked arteries. Smoking damages the lining of the arteries and increases the

Races of small molecule clinical trials for the treatment of COVID‐19 ...

etiology deep vein thrombosis :: Article Creator What To Know About Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is when blood clots form, typically in a deep vein in the leg or the pelvis. A pulmonary embolism (PE) can occur if part of a clot breaks off and travels to the lungs. DVT needs urgent medical attention as a PE can be life-threatening. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are two parts of the disease known as venous thromboembolism. DVT is a medical urgency. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that 10–30% of people who develop DVT in the leg experience fatal complications within a month of diagnosis. In this article, we define DVT, explain how to recognize it, and ways to treat it. DVT is blood clotting that develops with deep veins, often in the leg or pelvis. If the thrombus, or clot, breaks off, doctors call this an embolus. Emboli can make their way to the lung, c

The Five Deadly Causes of Chest Pain Other than Myocardial ...

symptoms of cvst headache :: Article Creator What To Know About Positional Headaches A positional headache is one that occurs when sitting or standing and improves when lying down. Bending, sneezing, lifting, and straining may also cause it. It often results from a leak of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and symptoms usually localize to the back of the head. Positional headaches are also known as orthostatic, postural, and low pressure headaches. As well as leaks of CSF, other conditions can cause positional headaches. These include conditions that affect the connective tissues, bones, and nervous system. This article covers the symptoms and causes of positional headaches, as well as the treatment options available. Most positional headaches cause pain that is worse when a person is upright and goes away after they lie flat for around 20–30 minutes. Some people with positional headaches may wake up in the morning with a mild headac