
Showing posts from May, 2023

Robert Zakar gives back to community

uti blood clots :: Article Creator Frequent Urination: Going For A Pee More Than 10 Times A Day Could Signal TWO 'silent Killers' Consultant urological surgeon Mr Petr Holy has explained why some people pee more than 10 times a day - and revealed when to see a doctor because it could signal something serious Most people wee between six to seven times per day ( Image: Getty Images/EyeEm) Most of us don't keep track of how often we visit the toilet, but experts have warned that urinating more than 10 times a day could signal an underlying health condition. Most people wee between six to seven times per day, and while there is often a simple explanation for an individual to have a higher urine frequency, this might be worth a trip to the GP. Consultant urological surgeon Mr Petr Holy has urged people to monitor how many times they visit the bathroom, adding: "Any more than ten could be a sign that something isn'

2022 Western Medical Research Conference

alcohol and blood clots in leg :: Article Creator 3 Ways To Stop Yourself Developing Blood Clots On Flights Deep vein thrombosis (or DVT) is a condition where an abnormal blood clot develops in a deep vein, usually in the leg or pelvis, and can be caused by sitting in cramped conditions on long flights. It's said to affect 60,000 people in the UK and can be potentially deadly if the clot dislodges and travels to your lungs.  Here, we speak to Professor Mark Whiteley, leading venous surgeon, and founder of The Whiteley Clinic, about how you can reduce your risk of developing DVT on long-haul flights this summer… Keep as active as possible on the flight "It's important to keep as active as possible during the flight, particularly if it is a long flight (over four hours)," shares Dr Whiteley to HuffPost UK.  You don't need to be doing downward dog in the aisles. A walk to the loo and back and a quick stretch every half an

2022 Southern Medical Research Conference

foot pump dvt prophylaxis :: Article Creator From Foot Pump Cylinders To Pneumatic Robot Fighting Arm Halfords Essentials foot pump [James Bruton] is well known for making robots using electric motors but he's decided to try his hand at using pneumatics in order to make a fighting robot. The pneumatic cylinders will be used to give it two powerful punching arms. In true [James Bruton] fashion, he's started with some experiments first, using the pneumatic cylinders from foot pumps. The cylinders he's tried so far are taken out of single cylinder foot pumps from Halfords Essentials, costing only £6.29, around $8.11 US. That's far cheaper than a commercial pneumatic cylinder, and perfectly adequate for this first step. He did have to hack the cylinder a little though, besides removing it from its mounting and moving it to a DIY frame. Normally when you step down on a foot pump's lever, you compress the cylinder, forcing air out the

Epidemiology and pathophysiology of vascular thrombosis in ...

lung digit syndrome :: Article Creator Lung Pathogen May Spread Between People Less Than Previously Thought A little-known bacterium — a distant cousin of the microbes that cause tuberculosis and leprosy — is emerging as a public health threat capable of causing severe lung infections among vulnerable populations, those with compromised immunity or reduced lung function. Recent research found that various strains of the bacterium Mycobacterium abscessus were genetically similar, stoking fears that it was spreading from person to person. But a new study by Harvard Medical School researchers published May 22 in PNAS, calls those findings into question, offering an alternative explanation behind the genetic similarity of clinical clusters. This suggests that the pathogen may not be that prone to person-to-person transmission after all. Subscribe to Technology Networks' daily newsletter, delivering breaking science news straight to you

2022 Southern Medical Research Conference

vitt symptoms :: Article Creator Long COVID Is Defined By These 12 Symptoms, New Study Finds A new study is bringing more understanding to the symptoms of long COVID, the post-infection set of conditions that can last for months or years after a person has COVID-19. Funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in the medical journal JAMA on Thursday, the study identified the 12 most common symptoms associated with long COVID with the aim of helping researchers develop much-need treatment options.  "This study is an important step toward defining long COVID beyond any one individual symptom," study author Dr. Leora Horwitz, director of the Center for Healthcare Innovation and Delivery Science and co-principal investigator for the RECOVER Clinical Science Core at NYU Langone Health, said in a press release. "This approach — which may evolve over time — will serve as a foundation for scientific discovery and treatment de