VITAMIN C (ASCORBIC ACID): Overview, Uses, Side Effects ...
multiple subsegmental pulmonary emboli :: Article Creator Multiple Pulmonary Emboli Of Bone Cement After Kyphoplasty Figure a) Local leakage of bone cement into the prevertebral venous plexus (red arrow), retrograde flow via the trans pedicular drilled canal (green arrow). B) Cement embolus into a pulmonary artery, diameter 1 mm. We report the autopsy findings of a 75-year-old woman who died of an acute pulmonary arterial embolism secondary to deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs. Computerized tomography had shown local leakage of cement from a kyphoplasty (T11, T12) performed three years earlier. Gross pathological examination of the lungs revealed needle-shaped cement emboli (Figure), and histopathological examination revealed multiple microemboli of bone cement, some of which were integrated into vessel walls. These findings demonstrate a rarely reported complication of this commonly performed surgical procedure. The clinical s...