What are the different types of pulmonary embolism?

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What To Know About A Blood Clot In The Arm

Blood clots can form in veins throughout the body, including the arm. Signs to look out for include cramping pain, swelling, and skin that looks bruised and is warm to the touch. A clot needs urgent attention, as it can lead to complications.

The body forms blood clots in response to a cut, scrape, or injury.

These clots can be dangerous if they dislodge and travel to other parts of the body, so swift treatment is essential.

If a person sustains an open wound, platelets within the blood form a plug to stop the bleeding. When this occurs at the site of a wound, it is beneficial. However, when a clot occurs in the veins, it can be harmful.

In this article, we take a look at what happens when a blood clot forms in the arm, the potential causes, and the treatment options.

A blood clot is a semisolid clump of blood that typically forms to stop a cut from bleeding. At times, a blood clot may form within a vein.

Doctors describe and define blood clots according to where they form in the body. There are three types of clots:

  • superficial thrombophlebitis — a clot that forms in a vein near the surface of the skin
  • deep vein thrombosis (DVT) — a clot that forms in a vein deep within the body
  • embolus — a clot that moves from one part of the body to another
  • Clots that form in the deep veins in the arms are a form of DVT. About 5 to 10% of all DVT occurs in the arms, and incidences are rising annually.

    It's estimated that DVT affects roughly 900,000 people each year in the United States.

    Many people will not experience any symptoms when a DVT forms in their arm. In other cases, symptoms may develop slowly.

    When they occur, the symptoms of a blood clot in the arm may include:

  • skin that is warm to the touch
  • pain that feels like cramping
  • swelling in the arm where the clot is
  • a red or blue hue to the skin
  • tenderness
  • If these symptoms occur, a person should seek emergency medical attention. DVT in the arms can be very dangerous.

    Some of the possible complications of a blood clot in the arm can be dangerous.

    One of the biggest dangers is that the clot could dislodge and travel to the lungs. If this occurs, it is called a pulmonary embolism. It can block the flow of blood to part of the lungs, causing that area of tissue to die.

    A pulmonary embolism can be fatal, so it is vital to take it seriously. If a person experiences pain in the chest along with sudden shortness of breath, and raised blood pressure, they may have a pulmonary embolism.

    A person should seek emergency medical assistance if they experience any of the symptoms of either a blot clot in the arms or a pulmonary embolism.

    A doctor can diagnose the blood clot and provide appropriate treatment to help prevent further complications.

    When a blood clot forms in the arm, doctors classify it as either primary or secondary. They base these designations on the cause of the clot.

    Primary clots

    Primary clots are rare compared with secondary clots. One known cause is Paget-Schroetter syndrome, which typically occurs following a strenuous activity that uses the arm, such as rowing.

    Muscle overgrowth, bone growth, and bone fractures can also cause primary clots. Sometimes, the cause of a primary clot will be unknown.

    Secondary clots

    Secondary clots are much more common and contribute to 80% of all DVT cases.

    Secondary clots occur when an event triggers the clot. Some events that can have this effect include:

    The implantation of a medical device in the arm can put people at increased risk of developing a blood clot in this part of the body. The increased use of both catheters in the veins and pacemakers has led to an increased number of cases of DVT in the arms.

    Cancer is another common risk factor for developing DVT in one of the arms. Having surgery also increases a person's risk of developing a blood clot in this part of the body.

    Some other factors that increase a person's risk of developing a blood clot in their arm include:

    Diagnosis typically begins with a physical examination of the area where the person is experiencing symptoms.

    While a doctor examines the area, they are likely to ask questions about when the symptoms started, what was happening before they started, and any other symptoms that the person is experiencing.

    If the doctor suspects that a blood clot is present, they will often order imaging scans. One of the most commonly requested scans is an ultrasound. The doctor may also order one of the following:

    If a person is in the hospital following pacemaker surgery or another procedure, the healthcare team will monitor the person for signs of a blood clot. They will know the signs and symptoms of a blood clot as well as how to treat one if it forms.

    Treatment typically starts with the doctor making a plan of action. In most treatment plans, the goals are to:

  • stop the growth of the clot
  • prevent the clot from moving to other parts of the body
  • relieve symptoms, such as pain and swelling
  • Typical methods to treat a blood clot in the arm include:

  • elevation to help reduce swelling and pain
  • blood thinners
  • a graduated compression arm sleeve to increase blood flow from the hand to the heart
  • When a clot does not respond to these treatments, a doctor may recommend the removal of the clot. They can remove the clot by using a minor surgical procedure or injecting medication to break it up.

    Over time, a person may have to continue to use blood thinners or compression. Doing this can help prevent another clot from forming in the arm. A person's doctor will recommend a specified period of continued therapy, which tends to last for several months.

    Below are some commonly asked questions about a blood clot in the arm.

    What can be mistaken for a blood clot in the arm?

    The following conditions can often be mistaken for a blood clot in the arm:

    When should a person go to the ER for a blood clot in the arm?

    If a person suspects they have a blood clot in their arm, they should go to the ER immediately.

    It is possible for a blood clot to travel to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. This can be life threatening and requires urgent treatment.

    What are the five warning signs of a blood clot?

    Here are some warning signs that a person has a blood clot in their leg or arm:

  • swelling, usually in one leg or arm
  • leg pain or tenderness (often described as a cramp)
  • reddish or bluish skin discoloration
  • leg or arm is warm to touch
  • What is the procedure for a blood clot in the arm?

    Two procedures that are used to treat a blood clot in the arm are:

  • Catheter-directed thrombolysis: This procedure involves a catheter being surgically inserted and directed toward the blood clot, where it delivers clot-dissolving medication.
  • Thrombectomy: This is surgical removal of the blood clot.
  • A person should seek medical attention immediately if they suspect that they may have a blood clot in the arm.

    A blood clot in either of the arms can be dangerous as it might break loose and get into the lungs. If this occurs, it can cause a life-threatening situation.

    A doctor can treat a blood clot in the arm with a few simple methods and therapies. Following treatment, a person can expect a few months of continued therapy to prevent further clots from forming.

    Swollen Feet, Ankles, And Legs

    Injuries and inflammation can cause swelling in your lower extremities. But you may also experience fluid retention due to an underlying health condition that requires medical attention.

    The feet, ankles, and legs are common sites of swelling because of gravity's effect on the fluids in the human body. However, fluid retention from gravity isn't the only cause of a swollen ankle or leg. Injuries and subsequent inflammation can also cause fluid retention and swelling.

    A swollen foot, ankle, or leg can cause the lower part of the leg to appear larger than normal. The swelling can make it difficult to walk. It may be painful, with the skin over your leg feeling tight and stretched out.

    This swelling is usually temporary and not cause for concern. But you'll still want to take measures to reduce swelling. This way, you can reduce any pain you're experiencing and resume your daily activities.

    If parts of your lower leg remain swollen or you have other symptoms, it could signal that you have an underlying health condition. Knowing the cause of your swelling can help rule out a more serious problem.

    Continue reading to learn the possible causes of a swollen foot, ankle, or leg, and what you can do to reduce swelling.

    When is it an emergency?

    You should seek medical care right away if your swelling is accompanied by any of these symptoms:

  • chest pain, pressure, or tightness
  • trouble breathing
  • dizziness
  • mental confusion
  • fever
  • leg ulcerations or blisters
  • an abnormality or crookedness to the ankle that wasn't there before
  • inability to put weight on your leg
  • Also seek medical care if at-home treatments don't help reduce swelling or if your discomfort increases.

    Swelling in the lower leg is typically the result of one of two things:

  • edema, a buildup of fluid
  • inflammation, your body's response to injury or infection
  • Edema is a common condition where excess fluid is trapped in your body's tissues. This causes swelling and puffiness of the tissue directly under your skin in your feet, ankles, and legs. It can also affect your hands and arms.

    Other symptoms of edema include stretched or shiny skin, or difficulty walking.

    Some people may also experience pitting edema, in which the skin retains a dimple after you press on it for several seconds.

    Later on, we'll review health conditions that can cause edema, but some causes are just everyday activities or life factors, such as:

  • older age
  • being overweight or having obesity
  • standing too long
  • sitting too long (e.G., on a long flight)
  • hot weather
  • Inflammation is your immune system's response to injury, infection, or disease. It can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term).

    Swelling from inflammation is usually accompanied by:

  • pain
  • skin that is warm to the touch
  • skin redness or discoloration
  • reduced function
  • Now let's look at some specific causes of edema or inflammation in your lower leg.

    Swollen ankles and legs are common when you're pregnant because of factors such as:

  • natural fluid retention
  • pressure on veins due to the extra weight of your uterus
  • changing hormones
  • You may be more prone to swollen feet in the evening and especially after being on your feet all day.

    Swollen feet and ankles may become particularly noticeable in the fifth month. The swelling tends to go away after you deliver your baby. Until then, try these tips to prevent or lessen the swelling.

    Don't reduce your water intake if you have swelling. You need plenty of fluids during pregnancy, usually at least 10 cups per day.

    If the swelling is painful, you should see your doctor to make sure that your blood pressure is normal. Your doctor will also want to check if you have a blood clot and rule out other possible conditions, such as preeclampsia.


    Sudden or excessive swelling in your ankles, hands, and face could be a sign of preeclampsia. This is a serious condition where you develop high blood pressure and protein in the urine. It usually happens after the 20th week of pregnancy.

    People with preeclampsia may also have:

    Contact your doctor right away if you experience sudden swelling, especially if it's accompanied by these other symptoms.

    Preeclampsia warning signs

    If you're pregnant, seek immediate medical attention if you have symptoms associated with preeclampsia or dangerously high blood pressure. These include:

    Swelling in the foot, ankle, or leg could be the result of inflammation due to acute, or even chronic, injury. When you hurt your lower leg, swelling occurs as a result of blood rushing to the affected area.

    Conditions that can cause this type of inflammation include:

    The R.I.C.E. Approach is often recommended to treat leg and foot injuries. This method involves:

  • Rest. Rest the affected limb and avoid putting pressure on it.
  • Ice. Ice your foot for up to 20 minutes at a time throughout the day.
  • Compression. Use a compression bandage to stop swelling.
  • Elevation. Keep your feet lifted as you rest so that they're above your heart, especially at night.
  • While resting the leg or foot is important, too much rest can lead to problems with circulation. Check with your doctor about the appropriate amount of activity for your leg.

    Depending on the severity of your injury, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription pain reliever. You may need to wear a brace or splint. Severe cases may require surgery.

    You should see a doctor if your pain is severe or you're unable to put any weight on or move your foot. Also seek medical care if you're experiencing numbness.

    Your swollen foot, ankle, or leg may be due to an underlying chronic condition. It might also be due to medications that you're taking or as an after-effect of surgery.

    Here are some of the possible underlying conditions that may cause your foot, ankle, or leg to swell.

    Blood clot

    Blood clots are solid clumps of blood. They can form deep in the veins of your legs, a condition known as deep vein thrombosis.

    Blood clots hamper blood flow up to your heart and lead to swollen legs, feet, or ankles. The swelling often occurs on one side of your body.

    Swelling may be accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • pain
  • tenderness
  • a warm sensation
  • redness or a change in color in the affected area
  • fever
  • A blood clot is a medical emergency. Seek care immediately if you have these symptoms.

    Treatment options and preventive measures include:

  • taking blood thinners, if directed by a healthcare professional
  • avoiding extended periods of sitting
  • exercising regularly
  • increasing fluid intake
  • Bursitis

    Bursitis is when fluid-filled sacs around your joints (called bursae) become inflamed. This causes swelling and pain at the joint. It's common in older adults and people who repetitively use specific joints, like athletes or people in certain jobs.

    Bursitis can develop at any joint where there's a bursa. In the leg, it's most common at the knee and ankle.

    In addition to pain and swelling, symptoms include:

  • joint pain
  • erythema, skin that's red, purple, or slightly darker depending on skin tone
  • difficulty walking
  • Pain relief medications along with rest and ice may help to manage the condition. In more severe cases, corticosteroids may be needed. If the bursa becomes infected, you may need antibiotics.


    Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that occurs beneath the skin, causing pain, discoloration, and swelling. Cellulitis may be life-threatening if left untreated.

    Symptoms of cellulitis include:

  • redness (or darkening) of your skin, depending on skin tone
  • a quickly growing rash
  • tight, glossy, swollen skin
  • a feeling of warmth in the affected area
  • pus-filled abscess
  • You may experience fever with cellulitis, but not always. The area is red and expanding. Often the edge of the redness can be felt under the skin, as though there's a piece of cardboard under the skin.

    If you experience signs of cellulitis, get medical treatment immediately.

    Cellulitis is treated with antibiotics. It should go away after 7-10 days of treatment.

    Chronic venous insufficiency

    Chronic venous insufficiency is caused by damaged valves in the veins combined with standing or sitting for extended periods. This affects blood moving up to your heart from your legs and feet. Blood can collect in the veins of your legs and feet, causing swelling.

    You may experience the following symptoms:

    See a doctor if you have signs of venous insufficiency. It's easier to treat the earlier it's diagnosed.

    Treatments include:

  • avoiding extended periods of standing or sitting
  • taking breaks for leg, feet, and ankle exercises during long periods of sitting
  • taking breaks to elevate your feet during long periods of standing
  • elevating legs above heart level while resting
  • walking and exercising regularly
  • maintaining a moderate weight
  • wearing compression stockings
  • using antibiotics to treat skin infections
  • practicing good skin hygiene
  • Diabetes

    Diabetes affects your ability to control sugar levels in your blood. High blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels which leads to poor blood circulation. This can cause blood to settle in your lower leg, causing swelling.

    Prolonged circulation problems may eventually lead to nerve damage in your foot, which could also make it more susceptible to injury, which can lead to swelling.

    To help with swelling caused by diabetes, your doctor may recommend:

  • compression socks
  • foot elevation
  • regular exercise
  • weight loss
  • staying hydrated
  • limiting salt intake
  • magnesium supplements
  • soaking feet in Epsom salts
  • Nerve damage in your foot can also cause Charcot foot, an inflammatory condition that affects bones and tissue in the foot. In addition to swelling and numbness, Charcot foot is characterized by:

  • change in foot shape
  • sores
  • redness
  • Charcot foot is a serious condition that could require amputation if not treated.


    A buildup of uric acid in your blood is called gout. As an acute condition, it can cause swelling in affected joints. This often affects the feet, particularly the big toe.

    Gout flares usually last for 3 to 10 days. But if left untreated, gout can become chronic, leaving lumps called tophi in your joints and tissue. Tophi can cause permanent damage to your joints.

    Associated symptoms of gout include:

  • joint pain
  • skin that's warm to the touch
  • stiffness
  • misshapen joints
  • There are medications you can take to prevent gout flare-ups. You can also take NSAIDs or corticosteroids to relieve the pain.

    Home remedies such as apple cider vinegar and black cherry juice may help with symptoms. But consult a doctor if your symptoms are severe or come on suddenly.

    Heart failure

    In right-sided heart failure, the heart's right ventricle is too weak to pump enough blood to the lungs. As blood builds up in the veins, fluid gets pushed out into the tissues in the body. This could be brought on by a heart attack, valve disorders, or lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    Right-sided heart failure symptoms include swelling and shortness of breath. You may also experience:

    Get immediate medical treatment if you're experiencing these symptoms.

    Heart failure needs lifelong management. Treatment options include medications, surgery, and medical devices.


    Swollen feet and ankles may be caused by infections and the accompanying inflammation. People with diabetic neuropathy or other nerve conditions of the feet are more prone to foot infections.

    Infections can be caused by wounds such as blisters, burns, and insect bites. You may also experience:

    If you have a bacterial infection, you may need prescription oral or topical antibiotics to treat it.

    Kidney disease

    If you have kidney disease or your kidneys aren't working properly, you may have too much salt in your blood. This causes your body to retain water, which can lead to swelling in your feet and ankles.

    The following symptoms may also be present:

    Treatment options include:

    Ultimately, kidney failure may be treated with a kidney transplant or dialysis.

    Liver disease

    Liver disease can cause foot and ankle swelling due to the liver not functioning properly. This leads to excess fluid in your legs and feet, which causes swelling.

    Liver disease can be caused by genetic factors. Viruses, alcohol, and obesity are also linked to liver damage.

    Other symptoms include:

    Treatment options include:

  • weight loss, if you have obesity
  • abstaining from alcohol
  • medications
  • surgery
  • Lymphedema

    Lymphedema occurs as a result of lymph nodes that are damaged or removed, often as part of cancer treatment. This causes your body to retain lymphatic fluid and can lead to swollen feet and ankles.

    Other symptoms may include:

  • a feeling of tightness or heaviness
  • limited range of motion
  • aches
  • repeated infections
  • fibrosis, or thickened tissue
  • You can't cure lymphedema, but you can manage the condition by reducing pain and swelling. Severe lymphedema may require surgery.

    Treatment options include:

  • light exercises that encourage lymph fluid drainage
  • elevation of the legs
  • special bandages, known as short-stretch bandages, for wrapping your foot or leg
  • manual lymph drainage massage
  • pneumatic compression, in which inflatable cuffs are placed around the legs
  • compression garments
  • complete decongestive therapy (CDT), which combines multiple techniques such as exercise, bandaging, and massage
  • Popliteal cyst

    Synovial fluid reduces friction in your joints so you can move them more easily. But a buildup of too much synovial fluid in your knee can cause a popliteal cyst (or Baker's cyst) to form. It's usually the result of injury or arthritis.

    The cyst appears as a large bump behind the knee. Other symptoms that may go along with it include:

  • pain
  • stiffness
  • limited motion
  • bruising or rupturing
  • You can relieve pain from the cyst with steroids like cortisone. Your doctor can even drain the cyst, but that doesn't mean it won't return. The most important thing to do is to identify and treat the underlying cause of the cyst.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition that affects the lining of your joints. Fluid builds up around your joints, causing swelling and potentially permanent damage.

    Along with swelling, you may experience:

    If you experience swelling due to RA, your doctor may recommend:


    Swelling is common after surgery. The early stages of healing usually involve inflammation, which can cause moderate to severe swelling. Mild to moderate swelling may persist for up to 6 months, depending on the type of surgery you had.

    Reduce post-operative swelling by:

  • elevating your leg
  • using an ice pack or cold compress
  • using compression stockings
  • If your swelling goes on for too long or gets more severe, talk with your doctor. This could be a sign of an infection or blood clot.


    Some medications cause fluid to collect, especially in the lower part of your body. These include:

    If you suspect that your medications are causing swollen feet and ankles, it's important to see a doctor. Together, you can determine whether there are other options in terms of medications or dosages. They may prescribe a diuretic to help reduce excess fluid.


    Drinking alcohol can lead to swollen feet and ankles since your body retains more water after drinking. Usually, it'll go away within a few days. If the swelling doesn't subside during this time, it could be cause for concern.

    If swelling frequently occurs in your feet and ankles when you drink alcohol, it may be a sign of a problem with your liver, heart, or kidneys. This could also be a sign that you're consuming too much alcohol.

    To treat swollen feet and ankles due to alcohol consumption, try these tips:

    Hot weather

    Swollen feet and ankles frequently occur during hot weather since your veins expand as part of your body's natural cooling process.

    Fluids, including blood, go into nearby tissues as part of this process. However, sometimes your veins aren't able to bring blood back to the heart. This results in fluid collecting in the feet and ankles. People with circulatory problems are especially prone to this.

    Here are some home remedies to reduce swelling during hot weather:

  • drink plenty of water
  • rest with legs elevated
  • soak feet in cool water
  • wear shoes that allow feet to breathe and move freely
  • exercise legs with regular walks and simple leg exercises
  • In many cases, you can treat a swollen foot, ankle, or leg at home. Home management will depend on the cause.

    If your swelling is the result of fluid buildup, the following home tips may help relieve swelling:

    If your swelling is due to injury, remember R.I.C.E. But consult with a doctor regarding how much activity your leg should get.

    Medical condition management

    If you have a medical condition that can lead to swelling, take your medications and manage your symptoms carefully. If you have congestive heart failure or kidney disease, you may need to limit the amount of fluid you take in each day.

    Exercise precautions

    While you can't always prevent injuries during physical activity, warming up first can help. This includes a walk or light jog before engaging in vigorous physical activity.

    Choose supportive footwear. Proper shoes can help correct gait issues and prevent injuries. You should choose shoes that match your activity or your specific needs. If you jog or run, get fitted by a professional for the correct shoe.

    Compression socks

    Compression socks apply pressure to your lower leg. In some cases, this can help prevent and alleviate ankle and foot swelling caused by certain conditions, such as:

  • deep vein thrombosis
  • lymphedema
  • varicose veins
  • venous insufficiency
  • Check with your doctor before using compression socks for your swelling, because these special socks should be properly fitted for you and your needs. Wear them during the day and remove them before you go to bed.


    A low-sodium diet discourages fluid retention. Fast food often contains large amounts of sodium, which can contribute to retaining fluids. Many frozen meals and canned soups often contain excess sodium, so read food labels carefully.

    Leg elevation

    If you stand a lot during the day, try wearing compression stockings at work and propping your feet up or soaking them in water when you get home to help prevent swelling.

    There are many reasons for a swollen foot, ankle, or leg. It's usually the result of fluid buildup or your body's response to an injury or infection. Sometimes, it can be a sign of a serious condition that requires medical attention.

    A doctor can run tests to determine a diagnosis and treatment plan.

    Red Flag Sign When You Go To The Toilet Could Be Symptom Of Silent Killer

    British Heart Foundation: Understanding blood clots

    Blood clots are tiny clumps of blood that form a gel-like substance. A certain amount of blood clotting in our bodies is needed to ensure we don't excessively bleed and can heal properly.

    However, clots that don't naturally dissolve have the potential to be dangerous. This is because they can break away and travel to vital organs in the body.

    In some cases they can cause heart attacks, strokes or pulmonary embolisms. Therefore, it is vital to be aware of any warning signs.

    The most common type of a blood clot is known as deep vein thrombosis, or DVT. This type of clot forms in deep veins, often in the leg or the arm.

    Symptoms of this can include pain, throbbing or redness in the affected area. But blood clots can form in other, less obvious, parts of the body.

    Toilet roll

    Blood in your poo could be a sign of a dangerous blood clot (Image: Getty Images)

    Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis (SMV thrombosis) is the formation of a blood clot in your superior mesenteric vein.

    This blood vessel carries blood away from your small intestine towards your liver.

    The Cleveland Clinic explains: "The blood clot disrupts normal blood flow among the different organs in your belly.

    "In some cases, your organs can't receive enough oxygen-rich blood to function and their tissues begin to die.

    "This organ damage can quickly affect your whole body. SMV thrombosis can be fatal without prompt diagnosis and treatment.

    woman use tissue in toilet

    The blood clot could also cause sudden pain in your stomach (Image: Getty) Become an Express Premium member
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  • "Another term for SMV thrombosis is mesenteric venous thrombosis.

    "This is a more general term that refers to a blood clot in your superior mesenteric vein, inferior mesenteric vein or any of their branches.

    "But about 95 percent of the time, the clot forms in the superior mesenteric vein. So, people often use the terms interchangeably."

    Due to the location of the clot, one of the tell-tale signs can appear when you go to the toilet.

    You might notice blood in your poo. This could be red or black in colour.

    Blood clot, illustration

    Blood clots can travel to various parts of the body and prevent blood flow to vital organs (Image: Getty)

    Other potential symptoms include:

  • Nausea and vomiting, with blood in your vomit
  • Bloated stomach
  • Swelling (oedema) in your legs and feet
  • Mental confusion.
  • "Mesenteric venous thrombosis symptoms vary widely," the clinic says. "Some people have no symptoms.

    "This is often the case with chronic thrombosis. However, acute thrombosis can cause sudden and severe cramping in your belly.

    "With the subacute form, vague belly pain may come and go over several days or weeks."

    If you develop new or worsening pain in your belly, it's "important" to see a doctor as soon as possible.

    SMV thrombosis that isn't treated could result in blood supply to your digestive organs being cut off, causing tissue to die.

    In extreme cases this can lead to sepsis and organ failure.

    According to the Cleveland Clinic, your risk of SMV thrombosis is increased if you have:

  • Inherited or acquired blood clotting disorders, including those caused by some medications
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Cirrhosis (liver disease)
  • Pancreatitis
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Heart failure
  • An enlarged spleen
  • A large abdominal tumour or mass
  • Some viral infections, including COVID-19.

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